Monday 31 October 2016

The Principles of Moorland Management Project - update

The Principles of Moorland Management (PoMM) project is producing guidance for practitioners to cover a range of moorland management activity.  Small guidance groups have been established to draft the guidance, which will then be passed to members of the project steering group for comment. When approved by the Steering Group, Forum members will be invited to comment before the guidance is published on the Forum's website.  

The guidance will provide links to other related information, and it will be updated on a regular basis to take account of changes to techniques, regulations or other factors.

Further details about the project are available from the project page on the Moorland Forum's website.

Guidance in Production

Three Guidance Groups have been formed, and have been making progress. The topics covered are: Worm Control in Grouse, Heather Cutting and Mountain Hare.

I expect to have draft versions of the guidance for all three groups by mid-November.

Next Steps
The guidance will cover a wide range of topics and it is likely that the process to be followed before the guidance is published will vary between the different topics.  The starting point will be the following process:
  • The guidance will be circulated to the PoMM Steering Group (see below).
  • Feedback will be collated and passed to the Guidance Group for comment and/or amendment of the draft.
  • When approved by the Steering Group, the guidance will be passed to all Forum members for comment.
  • The guidance will then be published on the Forum’s website.
The next stages for the three topics in progress will provide a demonstration of this process in action.

Purpose of the Guidance

The guidance aims to provide a source of information that practitioners can turn to when deciding how they should carry out an approved management activity. Some guidance may also include issues that practitioners should take into account when deciding whether or not a management activity is appropriate in their circumstances.

The aim is to provide a one-stop-shop for the latest guidance on different moorland management activity; the guidance will link to other information and will not repeat details that are already available elsewhere. It will be important that once published it is kept up to date.

Next Topics

With the three guidance groups about to publish their drafts, it is time to consider the next topics that PoMM should address.

In earlier discussion, the Steering Group considered three options:
  • Bracken Control,
  • Snaring, and
  • Sphagnum Moss regeneration (as part of peatland restoration).
Other suggestions will be welcome, and the options will be raised for discussion at the Forum meeting, on 4 November. The Steering Group will then be asked for their views on all the options so that a decision can be made about forming more Guidance Groups.

Steering Group members

Tim Baynes - Scottish Land & Estates
John Bruce - British Deer Society
Ronnie Kippen - Scottish Gamekeepers Association
Alastair MacGugan - SNH
Duncan Orr-Ewing - RSPB Scotland
Colin Shedden - BASC
Adam Smith - GWCT
Julia Stoddart - SACS
Dr. Tony Waterhouse - SRUC
Malcolm Younger - RICS

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