- The Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee (EJW)
- The Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee (ECCLR)
- The Local Government and Communities Committee (LGC)
- The Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee (REC)
The REC has circulated an Information Pack for Stakeholders to provide more information about the process and I have placed this, together with a copy of the covering e-mail message in a Dropbox folder. There is more background on the Scottish Government website.
No doubt many members of the Forum will wish to contribute to the review process independently and I propose that I keep a watching brief in case there is any input that the Forum as a whole could usefully provide. The areas that the ECCLR will consider are likely to be of most relevance to the Forum. I will welcome any suggestions from members about how the Forum could provide input.
I will be arranging a meeting for Lord Lindsay and me with the Cabinet Secretary for REC, Fergus Ewing MSP, in January and we will raise this for discussion as part of the meeting.